Hundreds of Teachers Apply to the Council to Improve Classroom Conditions


More than 700 Nova Scotia teachers have submitted applications to be part of the Council to Improve Classroom Conditions, a cooperative initiative to improve the province’s teaching and student learning environment.

A total of 779 applications were submitted online by the Feb. 28 deadline.

The nine teachers, three each from elementary, junior, and senior high school, who will join the council will be chosen by school board superintendents who will work with human resources, program directors, and other board staff. The council will be formed by March 7.

There will be further opportunities through the work of the council for teachers to engage in the process and share their ideas.

The council will have $20 million over two years to address issues in the classroom that have been identified by teachers, including these priorities:

  • data collection and reporting
  • assessment and evaluation
  • timing of administrative days relative to report card preparation
  • student attendance policy
  • technology and work processes, including PowerSchool and TIENET (Technology for Improving Education Network)
  • scope of practice for teachers
  • planning for student success
  • complex classrooms
  • class sizes at all grade levels
  • student discipline policy.

The nine classroom teachers will be joined by a representative of the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development and the Nova Scotia Teachers Union who will serve as co-chairs. Government will appoint three additional council members – at least one student and a parent. The department has asked student councils and school advisory councils across the province to put forward names for these positions.

The co-chairs will name a neutral facilitator to work with the committee. There is also a provision for an arbitrator to be appointed in the event the co-chairs cannot agree on a recommendation.

Initial recommendations from the council are expected no later than April 28.