Domestic Violence Prevention Grants Now Available

Bringing people together to develop new ideas around preventing domestic violence can help break the harmful cycle of such violence in communities around the province.
Community groups and organizations can now apply for two types of domestic violence prevention grants to develop and test new ways to prevent domestic violence, support victims and their families and share the story of what they are learning about how to address this complex issue.

This is the second round of grants through Standing Together, government’s action plan to prevent domestic violence.

“We’re learning so much from the projects underway across the province. This new call for proposals will mean more groups can test their ideas that could improve the safety and well-being of Nova Scotians,” said Kelly Regan, minister responsible for the Advisory Council on the Status of Women. “By working differently, we intend to build the capacity, collaboration and knowledge that will help us in mapping the best path forward for Nova Scotia.”

The new Connect grants provide up to $25,000 for up to 12 months. The grants bring people together to develop learning and teaching tools and ways to tell the story of how groups are working to prevent and disrupt cycles of violence. These projects will conclude by March 31, 2021.

In addition, the Advisory Council on the Status of Women is launching a second call for Shift grants, which provide up to $75,000 for up to 24 months to explore, develop, and test new ideas for preventing domestic violence and supporting victims. These projects will conclude by March 31, 2022.

Organizations can apply for the grants until March 4, 2020. Applications are available at .

Quick Facts:
– the grants are part of government’s $9 million investment in Standing Together
– over the next few years, the Advisory Council on the Status of Women will work with community organizations and groups to build a provincial plan to break the harmful cycles of domestic violence in homes, workplaces and communities. The knowledge gained from these projects will be used to help develop the plan
– in April 2019, 24 community organizations and groups received grants to prevent domestic violence. These grants supported projects focused on addressing domestic violence in specific communities, including African Nova Scotian and Mi’kmaw communities. Other projects focus on engaging and developing supports for groups such as children and youth, men and boys, girls and young women and women living with disabilities

Additional Resources:
For more information about Standing Together, and to apply for the grants, go to: