Government is helping ensure Nova Scotians have access to affordable, accessible and reliable transportation options.
More than 20 organizations and municipalities have been given funding for community transportation it was announced on Aug. 3.
BayRides received $57,065 from the Community Transportation Assistance Program and $70,711 from the Accessible Transportation Assistance Program for a total of $127,776.
“Without the Community Transportation Assistance Program funding BayRides would not be able to offer affordable accessible door-to-door transportation to residents in the St. Margarets Bay area,” said Peter Delefes, president of BayRides. “The additional funding from the Accessible Transportation Assistance Program will enable BayRides to purchase a new accessible bus this fall.
Chester Community Wheels received $61,396 from the Community Transportation Assistance Program and $7,376 from the Nova Scotia Transit Research Incentive Program for a total of $68,772.
“Community Wheels prides itself on being a barrier-free transportation option for residents of the Municipality of Chester,” said Leslie Taylor, board chair, Chester Community Wheels. “The continued support of the province allows us to continue to be that option. We welcome the increase in funding for the 2018-19 year.
“It will allow us to get more folks to the places they need to go, such as to medical appointments, run daily errands, community programs, and to continue to reside in our beautiful community.”
MLA Hugh MacKay, on behalf of Municipal Affairs Minister Chuck Porter, announced the funding for BayRides and Chester Community Wheels.
“Government is taking steps to improve access to community transportation across the province, especially in rural areas, so Nova Scotians can stay involved in, and connected to, their communities and good jobs,” said Mr. MacKay.
Grants were also announced, on behalf of the minister, in Kentville, and Truro.
— MLA Keith Irving announced in Kentville that Kings Point-to-Point Transit received a total of $267,696 and Trans County Transportation received a total of $181,917
— Finance Minister Karen Casey announced in Truro that the Colchester Transportation Cooperative received $172,494 and Cumberland County Transportation Society received $213,749
The Community Transportation Assistance Program provides operating funding to 17 door-to-door community transit services. A new investment of $600,000 was added to the program budget in 2018-19.
The Accessible Transportation Assistance Program is an application-based program that provides funding towards the purchase of accessible vehicles. This program’s budget increased by more than $450,000 in the 2018-19 budget.
The Nova Scotia Transit Research Incentive Program is an application-based program that provides funding for organizations interested in starting or expanding transit services.
The Public Transit Assistance Program assists public transit services with the purchase of capital assets such as buses, terminals and bus shelters.
A list of all organizations receiving grants and full program descriptions is available at .