Applications Now Being Accepted for Positions on Agencies, Boards and Commissions

Nova Scotians from all communities and walks of life are needed to serve on agencies, boards and commissions. Applications are now being accepted. All Nova Scotia residents are eligible to apply for these volunteer positions.

National Volunteer Week starts on April 15.

“It’s the perfect time to celebrate Nova Scotians who volunteer, and recognize the important contributions they make to their communities and our province,” said Leo Glavine, Minister of the Voluntary Sector.

“I encourage Nova Scotians to consider applying for positions on one or more of our province’s 153 agencies, boards and commissions. You can contribute to your community and get great experience by serving in these roles.”

Nova Scotians can apply to serve on a variety of agencies, boards and commissions, including colleges and boards of self-regulated health professions and police advisory boards.

“I’ve always been very interested in helping people and in making an impact in my community. To affect change, citizens need to be represented on agencies, boards and commissions,” says Betty Thomas, an active volunteer and member of the College of Licensed Practical Nurses. “Serving in this role keeps me active and gives me added purpose. I enjoy it immensely.”

The application deadline for some opportunities is Tuesday, May 15. To learn more and apply, visit or call 902-424-4877 or 1-866-206-6844.

Applicants are assessed based on their skills and qualifications, taking into account the needs of the individual agency, board or commission. Applications will be considered for both current and upcoming vacancies. Typically, appointees are reimbursed for expenses, and in some cases, paid a modest amount for their services.

The Government of Nova Scotia has an Employment Equity Policy. Applications from Aboriginal people, African Nova Scotians and other racially visible people, persons with disabilities, women and members of other employment equity groups are welcomed. Applicants are encouraged to self-identify when applying for appointment.