First of all, I’d like to thank you for the warm welcome on your doorsteps during the provincial election. After nearly eighteen months limiting contact due to the pandemic, it was a pleasure to see so many residents again. And thank you for re-electing me for a fourth term. Our district is smaller now – about half the size of my first riding, Bedford – Birch Cove. That district was reduced in size in 2013, and then further this election – Bedford was the most populous district in the entire province. Bedford now has two representatives in the Legislature, and I’m delighted to work with my former colleague Braedon Clark, who is now the MLA for Bedford South, on issues of importance to Bedford.
Later today, the Legislature will begin its first session of the 64th General Assembly. While I enjoyed being able to accomplish goals as a Minister in the governments of Premiers Rankin and McNeil, I want to assure you I’ve been in opposition before, and managed to get things done for our riding then too. For example, back in the period between 2009 and 2013, we managed to get provincial funding for the four-pad rink and we stopped the infilling of the Bedford Basin together. I look forward to ensuring the projects we’ve been working on together, such as the two new schools, and the Bedford – Halifax ferry come to fruition.
The Opposition works to ensure the government is the best it can be; our job is to hold the government to account. I’ve been appointed Opposition Critic for Finance and Treasury Board, Opposition Critic for Seniors and Long Term Care, and Chair of the Public Accounts Committee (the only Legislature Committee the Opposition chairs). I look forward to my roles as part of an effective opposition. We’ll work hard to ensure this new government serves our communities with the best interests of all our residents in mind.
Warm regards,
Hon. Kelly Regan