YMCA Peace Medal

As part of the annual YMCA Peace Week, YMCAs across Canada present the YMCA Peace Medal to individuals or groups who, without any special resources, status, wealth, or position, demonstrate a commitment to the values of PEACE through contributions made within their local, national, or global community. During National YMCA Peace Week, November 16-23, 2024, local peacemakers will receive special recognition and a medal at Peace Medal ceremonies across Canada. Peacemakers are selected through a nomination process.

To nominate a Peacemaker, please review the selection principles and complete the nomination form.

Peacemaker Selection Criteria

Peace Medal recipients should demonstrate the values of PEACE.

P – Participation. Getting involved and encouraging other to get involved in community building activities.
E – Empathy. Listening and understanding diverse perspectives to create a sense of belonging for all.
A – Advocacy. Making the case for positive change in the community.
C – Community. Building and strengthening community connections and capacity.
E – Empowerment. Inspiring others to foster peace and helping them gain the skills and tools to succeed.

Nomination Guidelines

The work, efforts and/or contributions of a Peacemaker must demonstrate a commitment to building peace within their community or communities elsewhere in the world.
Nominations should focus on activities that have taken place within the last two years. YMCA staff members are not eligible for nomination. Professionals who are paid to do peacemaking work are not eligible for nomination. Self-nominations will not be considered.

Our nomination categories are aligned with our organizations values:

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion: Peacemakers ensure there is a place for everyone to belong and be themselves. They champion this commitment in their work and as a voice in our

Health and Wellbeing: Peacemakers help to enrich and renew the health and wellbeing of others, whether physical, mental or social.

Empowering Youth: Peacemakers help young people succeed through belonging, connection, and programming that stimulate mind, body and spirit.

Please submit completed Peace Medal Nominations to the address or email below by 5:00pm June 29th, 2024.

YMCA of Greater Halifax/Dartmouth Association Services
Suite 700, 5657 Spring Garden Rd. Park Lane Terraces
Halifax, NS B3J 3R4
ATTN: Nicole O’Connor