Food and beverage safety

Public engagement requested on food and beverage strategy

The Government of Nova Scotia is developing a food and beverage strategy to outline policies, programs and initiatives that help raise awareness of, improve access to, and increase the production of healthy local food. I hope you will take a moment to share your thoughts on this important strategic development.

Healthy local foods are food and beverage products that are grown, produced, harvested, or processed in Nova Scotia and help meet your nutritional needs.

Food production, access, and awareness affect the lives of every Nova Scotian. Whether you are involved in farming or fishing, own a food business, run a non-profit organization, buy food for your family, or use your local food bank, this is your time to share your feedback.

Representatives from 12 government departments have worked together to identify and better understand the programs currently in place to increase awareness and production of, and access to, healthy local food, from industrial development and buy-local initiatives to school healthy eating and food security programs. They also met with close to 100 key partners involved in the food system, including primary producers, retail partners and food banks.

This information, along with input from Nova Scotians, will be used to develop the food and beverage strategy.

Please visit the website to share your thoughts. You can complete the online survey before December 23, 2022.

To complete the survey by phone, or for assistance completing the survey online, people can call the Department of Agriculture toll-free at 1-800-279-0825 or email