Province Proposing New Traffic Safety Act

Government is planning to replace the Motor Vehicle Act with a new Traffic Safety Act. Nova Scotians will have a chance to provide feedback.

One of the first areas being updated are rules of the road, including distracted driving, speed limits and bicycling.

“Nova Scotians are on our roads every day and we want to hear what they have to say as we develop the new act and regulations,” said Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal Minister Lloyd Hines. “The existing act was written in the early 1900s and we need to modernize our laws. We want the new act to be more flexible and responsive.”

The new act, expected to be introduced in the Nova Scotia legislature this fall, governs and regulates the registration and identification of motor vehicles and the use of provincial highways and roads. This includes driver’s licences, the registration and inspection of vehicles, traffic laws and equipment standards.

For more information and to provide feedback visit, .

The deadline for feedback is Friday, June 8.

Written submissions can be sent to:
Traffic Safety Act Engagement/Policy and Planning
Department of Transportation & Infrastructure Renewal
P.O. Box 186
Halifax, NS B3J 2N2