Day: 4 March 2020

  • Legislation Addresses Rise in Youth Vaping

    Legislation Addresses Rise in Youth Vaping

    Amendments to the Tobacco Access Act and the Smoke-free Places Act aim to prevent a new generation of Nova Scotians from becoming addicted to nicotine. These legislative changes build on a first-of-its-kind in Canada ban on flavoured e-cigarette products announced in December. Amendments to the acts tabled today, Feb. 27, will: give the province regulatory…

  • Keeping Couples Together in Long-Term Care

    Keeping Couples Together in Long-Term Care

    Couples deserve to be able to stay together when they are in long-term care. That is why government is introducing the Life Partners in Long Term Care Act to protect a couple’s right to be placed together. “We want to do everything we can to help life partners stay together as they age, it’s the…